Her Side of the Mountain

Her Side of the Mountain Mary Anne Hitt, director of Appalachian Voices, answers readers’ questions 30 Mar 2007 Questions from Grist editors | Questions from readers What is Appalachian Voices doing to promote renewable energy and conservation to get the U.S. off its fossil-fuel addiction? — Kristen Sykes, Asbury, N.J. Mary Anne Hitt, Appalachian Voices.…

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WV Flooding

Much of West Virginia had serious floods last weekend, with over 2.5 inches of rain. The flooding, according to officials, began around 2 or 3 in the morning when folks were in bed. The Gazette has pictures. Here’s to a speedy recovery friends.

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Wildlife Management Workshop

Wildlife Management Workshop: Ecology, Management and ID of Migratory & Resident Birds May 2, 2007 – Hill Demonstration Forest in Bahama, NC, sponsored by NC State University Forestry & Environmental Outreach Program, http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/nreos/forest/feop/wildlife/BH83mailer.pdf News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes www.southernsustainableforests.org

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Tragedy in Blacksburg

At least 33 dead in campus shootings. Mary Anne Hitt, our Executive Director, and her husband Than were very close by this morning. They are safe and sound now and send their love from Blacksburg. Our thoughts are with our friends and family at Virginia Tech, and their loved ones. Update: Things have gotten worse…

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Supreme court rules against Bush in global warming case

By James Vicini Reuters Monday, April 2, 2007 WASHINGTON (Reuters) – In a defeat for the Bush administration, the Supreme Court ruled on Monday that a U.S. government agency has the power under the clean air law to regulate greenhouse gas emissions that spur global warming. The nation’s highest court by a 5-4 vote said…

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Forest management rules suspended

Judge orders the White House to assess the policy’s impact on wildlife, the environment [Washington, DC] A federal judge on Friday overturned Bush administration regulations for national forests that critics said expedited logging and energy exploration, weakened wildlife protection and shut the public out of forest planning. U.S. Northern District Court Judge Phyllis Hamilton, based…

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Washington, D.C. — The risk of getting cancer from coal ash lagoons is 10,000 times greater than government safety standards allow, according to a draft report from the Environmental Protection Agency obtained by an environmental group. Although the EPA acknowledges this risk, it has neglected to adopt regulations that will limit exposure and protect against…

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Smithsonian scientists report new carbon dioxide study

Increased atmospheric CO2 stimulates soils to release, not store, CO2 [Maryland] Researchers at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center report the results of a six-year experiment in which doubling the atmospheric greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) in a scrub oak ecosystem caused a reduction in carbon storage in the soil. During the course of their study,…

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