Congressman Shuler takes a stand against mountain top removal

Scott Gollwitzer, the in-house counsel at Appalachian Voices, was published in today’s Asheville Citizen Times. Gollwitzer wrote to praise the actions of a new congressman for Western North Carolina with a heart for our mountains.Congressman Heath Shuler (NC-11) meets with Appalachian Voices staff and guests, who came to thank him for co-sponsoring the Clean Water…

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A Planning Guide for Small and Medium Size Wood Products Companies

At the beginning of the 21st century, North American wood products companies are facing competitive pressure from numerous sources. Traditional products are being manufactured in new regions and substitute products are being developed by competing industries. The bottom line is strained by greater restriction of natural resources and the general rising cost of doing business.…

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Community Forestry Week in Washington : June 11-14, 2007, Washington , DC

The National Community-Based Forestry Week in Washington is a workshop designed to build capacity among forest practitioners to effectively participate in the national policy dialogue. Participants will receive training on how national policy is developed and will learn how to translate their concerns and issues into effective policy messages. They will present these messages at…

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North Carolina Consortium on Natural Medicines

The North Carolina Consortium on Natural Medicines website includes a series of publications on medicinal herbs that can be grown, processed, and marketed in North Carolina . Each monograph comes in 3 versions; one is written for health professionals, the second is directed toward consumers, and the third is for commercial growers. The health professionals…

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SouthPro: A Computer Program for Uneven-aged Management of Loblolly Pine Stands

SouthPro is a Microsoft Excel add-in program that simulates the management, growth and yield of uneven-aged loblolly pine stands in the Southern United States . Tabulated and graphic results show diameter distributions, basal area, volumes, income, net present value, and stand diversity by species groups and size classes. SouthPro Manual SouthPro charts News notes are…

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U.N. report warns warming will harm timber industry

[ Washington , DC ] Climate change will exact a major cost on North America ‘s timber industry and could drive as much as 40 percent of its plant and animal species extinct in a matter of decades, according to a new report from an international panel. The U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),…

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Critical Carbon Sink Shrinks

An international team of scientists recently concluded that the Antarctic Ocean–one of the world’s most important absorbers of carbon dioxide–is soaking up less of the devastating greenhouse gas than previously suspected. Known as “carbon sinks” these areas of the ocean and land are critically important in slowing the effects of global warming by absorbing fifty…

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Study: Katrina caused major harm to south Miss. forests

[Mississippi] A new study confirms initial reports following Hurricane Katrina that found the massive storm left forests in south Mississippi with widespread damage. The study that included contractors and federal forest crews determined that nearly 90 percent of the region’s woods sustained some damage as a result of the Aug. 29, 2005 hurricane. …crews took…

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