A Busy Week For MTR

Wow! Last week was exciting. In West Viriginia the Young Dem’s passed a multi-pronged resolution on coal and green jobs that included a call for No New Mountaintop Removal Permits. See the full story here. The Washington Post wrote an extensive article on the issue featuring the direct connection between Washington DC power companies and…

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Conservation Easement Workshop – May 13th, 2008

The Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy is once again hosting attorney Stephen Small, the nation’s leading expert on the tax and financial benefits of conservation easements, for a continuing education workshop on May 13th. Please see details below and feel free to forward to all who may have an interest. Workshop Topics: * Tax Planning and…

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But It’s Clean Coal Isn’t it?

The myth of clean coal should be filed somewhere between stories of the Easter Bunny, Santa Claus, and the magical pot of gold at the end of rainbow. It’s like a fairy tale you believe in as a child, something to ease your fears of the dark and the boogieman. You grow out of some…

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MTR Week in Washington on NPR

NPR’s nationally syndicated program “All Things Considered” just aired a piece on The Alliance for Appalachia’s “Week in Washington”. You can listen to Debbie Elliot’s “New Breed of Lobbyists Hail from Appalachia” here. All Things Considered, April 21, 2008 · Lobbyists are everywhere on Capitol Hill. But it’s not always high-priced professionals that get lawmakers’…

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Wild bees create a buzz

A few years ago I invited a local beekeeper to place a hive on my farm. I naively assumed a honey bee colony would increase pollination and thus help maximize crop production. On a preliminary visit he stopped near a mist of insects hovering around a patch of blooming blackberry briars. “You’re getting plenty of…

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Coalfields Turn Into Battlefields “The Charleston Gazette”

Coal is a major energy provider in the United States, and with the upcoming election it is a deciding factor over who the next president of the United States will be. Coal, while being a large energy provider in many states in the U.S. is also a large contributor to the pollution in our environment.…

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Sign the Mile-Long Petition for Clean Energy in Virginia!

You don’t have to be a Virginian to be affected by the pollution from Dominion’s proposed coal-fired power plant in Southwest Virginia, and wherever you’re from, the folks in Southwest Virginia could sure use your help in their fight to save their homes and community from mountaintop removal and (to add insult to injury) another…

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FREE Weatherization Program

Want to save money & energy? Who doesn’t. WAMY Community Action and Blue Ridge Electric are hosting a weatherization preparation program. It takes place on Thursday, April 17th from 8:30am until 11:00am and Monday, April 21st from 6:30pm until 9:00pm. It will be held at the Cooperative Extension in Boone located between Department of Social…

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