Air America features Mountainop Removal

Sam Seder, on Air America Radio, has a must listen interview with David Novick – director of “Burning the Future“. David goes into detail about mountaintop removal’s negative impact on local economies, coal company intimidation, and the myth of “clean coal.” Listen here.

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America’s Energy Future

“How will America get the energy we need if mountaintop removal coal mining stops?” If you’ve had many conversations with people about mountaintop removal, you may have been confronted by this question. For those of us who aren’t authorities on the matter, questions like this are sometimes difficult to answer. Luckily, the Associated Press has…

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“Cost” versus Cost- Appalachian Voices versus Coal Industry

At a forum about mountaintop removal and Dominion’s proposed Wise County plant hosted by Temple Rodef Shalom and coorganized by the Falls Church Presbyterian Church the evening of April 30, one participant used business—as opposed to ecological—economics to make the case for coal. And to those who know that not all economics are created equal,…

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Mark Warner on Mountaintop Removal

Former Virginia Governor Mark Warner is currently the Democratic candidate for Senate in Virginia. I was recently able to ask him about his position on mountaintop removal. His (disappointing) answer? We haven’t done much of it here in Virginia. The more candidates talk about “carbon capture and sequestration,” clean coal, IGCC, or coal to liquid…

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All Hands on Deck for Virginia!

Larry Bush, Pete Ramey, and Kathy Selvage; Citizens of Wise County and founders of the Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards One week from today, citizens of Wise County, Virginia, will deliver a mile-long petition to Dominion Resources opposing their plans for a dirty coal fired power plant in Wise County. If you don’t know the background…

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Michael Pollan- Why we should Bother

Michael Pollan, author of books such as In Defense of Food, and The Omnivore’s Dilemma, has written a piece for the New York Times that references mountaintop removal and the problems cheap energy poses for society. He’s a great writer and this piece is no exception- he mainly writes about the origins of food, so…

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Al Gore: “MTR is a Crime, and Ought to be Treated as a Crime”

Al Gore addresses Ed Wiley, Ed’s granddaughter Kayla, and the audience at the 2008 Nashville film festival, and presents Director Michael O’ Connell the 2008 “Reel Current Award” for his most recent piece “Mountain Top Removal.” Gore on MTR: [MTR] just kills the landscape, and it kills the prospect for Kayla and her generation to…

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ASU Goes Green

Appalachian State University has joined more than 500 universities, colleges and community colleges in pledging to implement a comprehensive plan to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by the year 2050. Chancellor Kenneth E. Peacock formalized the goal by signing the American College and University Presidents Climate Commitment on Earth Day April 22. Led…

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