Daily Show Covers Newest Bush Rule change on MTR

The Daily Show did a great gag on the Bush Administration’s repeal of the Stream buffer zone rule on yesterday’s episode: …and by law, all baby food must now be made with deadly poison. – John Hodgman Several national media outlets nearly as credible as the Daily Show have also been decrying the rule change.…

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The good news, bad news, and good news again!

So its been a very interesting couple of days. As promised in the blog title, I’ve got good, bad, then good news to report. Most importantly, we JUST found out that Bank of America, one of the biggest backers of mountaintop removal coal mining companies, revised their policy on coal. Get this, they will no…

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Governor Manchin Sides with Massey Energy to Allow Blasting on Coal River Mountain

After two months of asking the state government to uphold their responsibilities to the public, Coal River Mountain Watch and community residents learned yesterday that the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) had approved Massey Energy’s revision of the Bee Tree mining permit for Coal River Mountain, meaning that Massey may begin blasting whenever they are…

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Beshear (KY-Gov) and Bredesen (TN-Gov) Urge EPA Not to Repeal Stream Buffer Zone Rule

Tennessee Governor Phil Bredesen requested that EPA reject the Bush Administration’s attempted repeal of the stream buffer zone rule. In a surprise move, Kentucky Governor – and former mountaintop removal proponent Steve Beshear – joined state Attorney General and Congressmen Chandler and Yarmuth in asking the EPA to protect the current mining regulations. (.pdf)

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A New Era on Climate Change

TPM summarizes: Barack Obama is set to deliver a surprise speech via video to the bi-partisan Governors Global Climate Summit in Los Angeles this morning. Obama’s team sends out the speech video, which renews Obama’s commitment to battling global warming and casts it as an economic and national security issue: In the speech, which will…

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Mountain Monday: The Clean Water Protection Act and 2009

In the chilly holiday transition of the next two months we will be saying goodbye not only to 2008, but – happily – to the Bush era of regulatory tomfoolery and pollution industry handouts, as well as the exorable and often mystifying inhabitants of the 110th Congress. Thanks to you, the Clean Water Protection Act…

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Clean Water Protection Act Gains Sponsors, Gives Hope

HR 2169, more simply known as the Clean Water Protection Act, was introduced May 3, 2007 by Representative Frank Pallone (D-NJ) with Christopher Shays (R-CT) and 61 other co-sponsors. The bill would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to clarify that fill material cannot be comprised of mining waste, thereby making illegal the practice…

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