L.A.’s Coal Ban Leads to Another Abandoned Power Plant

According to GreenBiz.com The Sierra Club enjoyed a victory last week when a Utah-based utility announced it would walk away from plans to build a coal-fired generating unit in the state. According to the environmental group’s tally, 100 coal plants have been foiled or abandoned since 2001, the beginning of an era it dubbed the…

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New Report Shows Green Jobs are a Better Deal Than New Coal Plants

Read the new report here and see http://www.kftc.org/our-work/stop-smith for more information. MORE THAN 8,000 NEW CLEAN ENERGY JOBS POSSIBLE IN KENTUCKY, ACCORDING TO NEW REPORT Investments in energy efficiency and renewable energy show higher job potential than in new coal facilities. A projected 8,750 new jobs in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors, spread…

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Coal slurry injection back before WVa lawmakers

As reported by the The Associated Press in the Huntington Herald-Dispatch: CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — Dismissing a recent state study as inadequate, activists who oppose the underground injection of coal slurry told lawmakers Wednesay the practice should be banned outright as a precaution. They also want a state health department study on the health effects…

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Mountaintop removal: Streamlined permits to stop – kinda

Ken Ward Jr. of the Charleston Gazette reports on his Coal Tattoo blog: Tomorrow’s edition of the Federal Register (available here by the magic of the Internet) will include this notice from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, making good on part of the Obama administration’s plans for dealing with mountaintop removal coal mining. As…

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Utne Reader talks with authors of a new book about mountaintop removal

Sit down on a porch with someone from the American South and you’ll learn why the region is renowned for its storytelling tradition. In the book Something’s Rising: Appalachians Fighting Mountaintop Removal (University Press of Kentucky), authors Silas House and Jason Howard tell the story of mountaintop removal coal mining through the voices of 12…

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