Appalachian Voices Opposes Joe Pizarchik to Head OSMRE

We Will ask the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee to Reject his Nomination Next Tuesday at 2:30 the Senate Energy Committee will consider the nominiation of Joe Pizarchik to head the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation, and Enforcement. Appalachian Voices believes that Joseph Pizarchik is the wrong individual to direct the Office of Surface…

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More Defiant Action Against MTR

This in from Climate Ground Zero Early this morning 81 year old Roland Micklem, a former United States Army Paratrooper and Christian advocate for the mountains led a blockade of Massey Energy’s Regional head quarters. Roland, along with James McGuinness 53, Fred Williamson 75 and Joseph Hamsher 22, have courageously placed themselves in the middle…

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Obama seeks to block record mountaintop removal permit

From Ken Ward Jr. and his Coal Tattoo blog: Late last week — just before the Labor Day holiday — the Obama administration EPA issued a mountaintop removal bombshell: A major letter that blasts a whole host of problems with the largest strip-mining permit ever issued in the state of West Virginia. EPA experts have…

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Temporary Reprieve for Virginia Residents, Mountains

For Immediate Release: August 27th, 2009 Contacts: Adam Wells, Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards, 276.523.4380, 804 240 4372 Oliver Bernstein, Sierra Club, 512.477.2152 Temporary Reprieve for Virginia Residents, Mountains Amid Growing Community and Environmental Concerns, DMME to Request More Information on Ison Rock Ridge While Scrutiny on Federal Level Continues. Big Stone Gap, Virginia – The…

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Coal Jobs, America, and Violence

Building on Jeff Biggers’ message … Happy labor day everyone. This day carries special significance in Appalachia, particularly for our coal miners. We look at it with special attention today as, Don Blankenship, Ted Nugent, Sean Hannity and several far-right extremists are holding a protest – opposite the actual UMWA labor rally – meant to…

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Farces of Coal -episode #1

Proudly Sponsored by Verizon Wireless … WARNING: This video of Ted Nugent may be a little too American for the workplace, and definitely contains too much “freedom” for children. Mr. Nugent has some choice words regarding his machine guns and the President of the United States. Ted Nugent will be the featured emcee of the…

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Prize-Winning Prose to be Performed at NC Stage

Peter Neofotis is an extraordinary storyteller. He does more than narrate; he embodies every syllable of his well-crafted prose, which centers on a small town in the mountains of Virginia. He navigates characters, drama and flashbacks with grace and brings life to an entire town through the personalities and personal histories of its people. But,…

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Appalachian Voices on Rachel Maddow

Rachel Maddow mentioned our work to expose FACES of Coal earlier tonight [below]. Please also check out DeSmogBlog, Jeff Biggers, and ThinkProgress who are breaking and building upon this story as we speak. Meanwhile, Josh Nelson at enviroknow brings the heat to Bonner and Associates, who are trying to scapegoat a single temp employee for…

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K Street PR Firm “Adfero” Hosting FACES

Feel the grassrootsfulness! Update: Brad Johnson at ThinkProgress has MUCH more. Earlier today we reported that Adfero, a DC based PR firm, was hosting FACES’ website. The site which allowed you to see who Adfero is hosting was then blocked throughout the day, but has now returned. Fortunately, our friends at DeSmogBlog were smart enough…

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FACES of Coal are iStockPhotos?!

The Farce Continues We’ve touched on the fact that the new coal industry front group “FACES” has yet to come forward with a list of their members. Well, thanks to a few new media> gumshoes, including our own Jamie Goodman and our friends at DeSmogBlog, we’ve learned that not only is FACES hosted by a…

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