The True Value of State Parks

By Maureen Halsema Today there are over 6,600 state parks covering 14 million acres across the nation. Each year, these parks draw millions of visitors across Appalachia. Tennessee State Parks alone average 25 million annual visitors. North Carolina has about 13.4 million visitors; West Virginia attracts about 7.5 million visitors each year; and Virginia brings…

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Neighbors Play Role in Parkway’s Prospects

Story by Sarah Vig The Blue Ridge Parkway may be America’s longest national park, measuring out at an impressive 469 miles in length, but it is also its narrowest—the average width of the park’s right-of-way is only 400 feet on either side. In contrast, the viewshed extends more than one mile on either side, more…

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Celebrating our National Treasures

By Maureen Halsema A distinctive blue mist settles over the Great Smoky Mountains, winding roads criss-cross the rolling hills of southern Appalachia offering unmatched views from the Blue Ridge Parkway, and visions of autumn colors from Shenandoah’s Skyline Drive take visitors’ breath away. Each of these Appalachian parks will be celebrating its 75th anniversary this…

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Species Invaders

By Maureen Halsema Southern Appalachia is under attack. Half of the imperiled species in the region are at risk from invasive species. Some particularly damaging species include, the hemlock woolly adelgid, the emerald ash borer, the gypsy moth, the tree-of-heaven, and Japanese stilt grass. The hemlock woolly adelgid threatens the majestic hemlock trees in the…

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Protecting our Public Lands

The Struggle For Conservation Continues Parks and forests seem as American as apple pie and the flag today, so it might be surprising that there was ever any controversy.Yet the early advocates of parks and protected forests were often outraged at the condition of the land that they hoped to protect with a park system.…

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Across Appalachia Shorts

Kentucky Institutes Task Force on Biofuels A task force on biofuels and biomass appointed by Kentucky Governor Steve Beshear held their first meeting in September. The group was formed as part of Kentucky’s recent energy initiative, titled “Intelligent Energy Choices for Kentucky’s Future.” The group hopes Kentucky can produce enough biofuel by 2025 to cover…

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60 Minutes TVA Coal Ash Disaster Story

Over the summer, the Appalachian Voices Watauga Riverkeeper crew has been working with 60 Minutes to do an investigative story about coal ash waste. We are happy to report that the show will air this Sunday on October 4, 2009. The 60 Minutes crew will provide the public with an overview or a “coal ash…

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EPA Regional Recommends All 79 Mountaintop Removal Permits for Further Review

After a 14-day initial review period, the Environmental Protection Agency’s regional offices followed the lead of EPA headquarters, recommending that all 79 pending mountaintop removal mining valley fill permits be remanded into a full 60-day extended review process. The extended review will closely examine potential environmental and health impacts of the valley fills on headwater…

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It seems all the coal industry has left is scare tactics: “We’re scared. We’re scared for the future of the state. We’re scared for the future of the industry, and we’re mostly scared for the future of our people,” said Bill Raney, President of the West Virginia Coal Association. “They want to stay here and…

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