Great News for Clean Water in Kentucky

In a precedent setting move today, Judge Phillip Shepherd granted limited intervention rights to Appalachian Voices, KFTC, the Kentucky Riverkeeper and Waterkeeper Alliance in the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet’s Case against International Coal Group (ICG) and Frasure Creek Mining. Here is the full press release: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Judge grants environmental groups the right…

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Come Out and Fight for Clean Water

Attention Boonies! Come out this Monday night to support strong new regulations on coal tar based asphalt sealants, the source of the Hodges Creek fish kill last summer. The Boone Town Council will be having a public hearing on Monday, February 7th at 7:00pm at the Boone Town Council Chambers (next to the police station…

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Kentucky Legal Action Update

Last Thursday there was a hearing to decide if we would be allowed to intervene in the interest of clean water in a legal case between the state of Kentucky and ICG and Frasure Creek Mining. The Appalachian Water Watch team shot a short video in the court room prior to the start of the…

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Why Fight When You Can Hide?

Welcome to the biggest fight of 2011! In one corner, Appalachian Voices’ Water Watch team stands poised and ready to fight for clean water. In the other corner, Big Coal tries to defend their polluting ways. The next round of the showdown will begin on Thursday, January 27 at 1:30 pm in a Kentucky courtroom.…

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Duke Makes “Progress” In Taking Over the World

Duke Energy and Progress Energy are about unite their “wonder twin powers” to become the largest electric utility in the country. What form they will take remains to be seen, but there are lots of opinions. The companies expect to have the deal finalized by the end of the year, according to Forbes With 7…

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Health Groups Oppose Coal Plant and Urge Va. Beach to Do The Same

Just before Christmas, three health organizations announced that they are joining together in opposition to the proposed Hampton Roads coal-fired power plant and are inviting you to join them. The Consortium for Infant and Child Health (CINCH), the Virginia Asthma Coalition, and the American Lung Association came together with a joint statement of opposition stating…

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The People vs. Big Coal- Appalachia Water Watch

Our Appalachia Water Watch team has been busy busting Big Coal in Kentucky with great results. After finding over 20,000 violations of the Clean Water Act, including evidence of tampering and falsification of discharge monitoring reports, we filed a legally required 60-day intent-to-sue letter. On day 59, the state of Kentucky announced a settlement, including…

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DC Office Open House!

By Mike Alilionis Mountaintop Removal Campaign intern, Fall 2010 In our fight to end mountaintop removal, Appalachian Voices staff work day-in and day-out to make progress on legislation that would stop the destruction of Appalachia. A keystone of our legislative work is our office in the belly of the beast, right here in Washington, DC.…

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Contamination Concerns Mount as Gas Fracking Heats Up

Story by Jillian Randel The negative effects of fracking for natural gas just keep, well, stacking up. The impact of drilling in Appalachia has already been substantial. The Marcellus Shale formation, which stretches from New York to Pennsylvania and Ohio down to West Virginia, contains large reserves of natural gas, and instances of water contamination…

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