Written by Nick Wood


Nick Wood

Nick, a native of North Carolina and our N.C. Field Organizer, is a licensed attorney with a J.D. from the UNC School of Law. He has worked in the environmental movement as a community organizer since 2013, focusing on coal ash, green jobs, fracking and climate justice.

Duke Energy wants to raise your power bill

Duke Energy is asking the North Carolina Utilities Commission for approval to raise rates for its residential customers by more than 16 percent. But North Carolinians are already paying the cost for Duke Energy’s mess.

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North Carolina hosts day of climate action Jan. 23

Join us on Monday, January 23 for the North Carolina Statewide Day of Action for Climate Justice! Events will be held in Asheville, Boone, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Durham, Pink Hill, Raleigh and Winston-Salem to ask for policies that promote clean energy jobs and climate justice for all people

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