Written by Molly Moore


Molly Moore

Molly is passionate about sharing the environmental and cultural stories of our region. She has worked with Appalachian Voices since 2011 and currently serves as AV's Director of Program Communications and Editor of The Appalachian Voice publication.


Reclaiming Mined Mountains to Beneficial Use

More than one million acres across Appalachia have been disturbed by surface coal mining. These formerly mined lands offer many challenges, but could also become focal points for economic development and reforestation.

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Trump’s Would-Be Coal Comeback Faces Long Odds

President-elect Donald Trump has expressed his support of the coal industry. Less clear is how he will attempt to revive the struggling sector — or how he will confront the collateral damage to human health, the environment and the climate that could result.

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Electric Cooperatives Initiate Community Solar Projects

Electric cooperatives in Virginia and Tennessee have launched community solar projects to help members save money while reducing carbon emissions.

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Appalachians Against The Dakota Access Pipeline

Across Appalachia, communities are supporting the indigenous-led resistance to the Dakota Access Pipeline, a partially constructed crude oil pipeline stretching 1,100 miles across North and South Dakota, Iowa and Illinois.

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The Free-Roaming Horses of Eastern Kentucky

Free-roaming horses have found a home on former mine lands in the mountains of Eastern Kentucky.

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Adult Life Expectancy change from 1997-2007 showing a half year to a full year decrease in life expectancy for adults living in areas with mountaintop removal mining

Traveling The Crooked Road

Along its 330-mile route, The Crooked Road in Southwest Virginia connects visitors with the sounds of America’s roots music and demonstrates how a region can leverage its cultural assets to develop a new economy.

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Driving Trails of Appalachia

Take a day or a week to discover Appalachia along one of the region’s many driving trails.

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Buckingham’s Battle: Residents oppose proposed gas compressor station

A proposed natural gas compressor station in Buckingham County, Va., would keep gas moving through the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. But many nearby residents are opposed to the industrial facility because it would cause pollution and noise and devalue nearby properties.

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Appalachian Media Institute: Envisioning Our Future

For 28 years, the Appalachian Media Institute has…

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Environmental Votetracker — Aug/Sept 2016

See how Appalachian congressional representatives voted on several environmental issues during June and July 2016.

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