Written by Lou Murrey


Lou Murrey

Raised in the mountains of northwestern North Carolina, Lou is serving as our 2015-16 OSMRE/VISTA Tennessee Outreach Associate in Knoxville, Tenn.

Image courtesy of the U.S. Department of Energy

National Weatherization Assistance Program Turns 40!

Forty years ago the federal government launched the National Weatherization Assistance Program to help residents combat high heat costs. In celebration of this anniversary, we take a look at the history of the program and see how far energy efficiency has come in four decades — yet also recognizing things we still need to do to make everyone’s home heating costs more affordable.

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Energy bill acrobatics

For the Schmidt family of Tazewell, Tennessee, managing their budget is a balancing act, and one they have become very good at. But high electric bills–up to $300 in the winter–makes that balance tricky to maintain, sometimes leaving very little for emergency funds, much less for the home repairs they need that could actually lower their energy use.

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Keeping energy through the generations

“We do everything we can to keep energy,” Barbara Taylor says as she heads down the stairs to the basement of the home she has shared with her husband, Paul, in New Tazewell, Tennessee since 1980. Outside it’s a humid 78 degrees, but in the narrow basement room that houses the Taylors’ heat pump it’s cool and dry.

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