Written by JW Randolph


JW Randolph

Raised on the banks of the Tennessee River, JW's work to create progress in his home state and throughout Appalachia has been featured on the Rachel Maddow Show, The Daily Kos and Grist. He served first as Appalachian Voices’ Legislative Associate and then Tennessee director until leaving to pursue a career in medicine in 2012.

Envioronment Vs. Humanity Will Be The “Cowboys and Indians” of 21st Century Cinema

In an slew of upcoming Hollywood releases, our…

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Dutch “PCN” LOVES GoogleEarth

The (what I believe is) Dutch online magazine…

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iLoveMountains goes LIVE on GoogleEarth

Appalachian Voices is thrilled to announce that as…

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Audubon Covers Mountaintop Removal

The article includes several incredible photographs from Cameron…

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Clean Coal, IGCC, Coal-To-Liquids

Grist has a great article on the discrepancy…

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20 New Acquatic Species Found in Indonesia

Check it out. Twenty new species of sharks…

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Ever Watched a Committee Hearing?

They’re not always the most entertaining things, but…

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Hillary Clinton’s Coal-Friendly Energy Plan

Presidential Candidate and New York Senator Hillary Clinton…

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Things I Miss

Living within walking distance of the US Capitol…

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Can You Help in Asheville?

Mountain Voices Alliance (no relation) is working hard…

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