Written by Jeff Deal


Jeff Deal

A lover of Appalachia, renewable energy, local green sustainable economies, and energy efficiency, Jeff is the information technology consultant for Appalachian Voices and also the Senior Project Manager for the Appalachian Institute for Renewable Energy.

TVA Coal Ash Disaster on CNN tonight

CNN – Anderson Cooper 360 – Friday 6/12/09…

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Clean Coal Knee-Capping: Secretary Chu Makes $1 Billion Down Payment For More Dirty Coal

Another one from Mr. Biggers: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/jeff-biggers/clean-coal-knee-capping-s_b_214927.html On the…

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New White House “plan” for mountaintop removal…

As always, those intrepid and resolute reporters Ken…

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Obama takes a small step… but we need a giant leap

The following email was sent to the 36,000+…

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:( Obama fights ruling that blocks streamlined mine permits

The brave and relentless Ken Ward Jr. reported…

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PLEASE CALL CONGRESS: We should regulate Coal Combustion Waste

A coalition of 109 organizations, including Appalachian Voices…

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“Education for the Valley” – Molly’s personal story

We just got an email from Molly Wilkins,…

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Duke Energy Raises Rates for Residential Customers Up to 8% Over the Next 2 Years

Vist the News-Record.com HERE to view this article.

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Jim Hightower to President Obama: Stopping the Desecration of Mountaintop Removal

Check out Jim Hightower’s latest take on the…

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WV agency released its long-awaited study on underground injection of coal sludge

This just in from the Charleston Gazette (story…

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