Written by Jed Grubbs


Jed Grubbs

Jed worked with Appalachian Voices as a Communications Specialist and the primary Front Porch blogger during spring/summer 2010.

To Hell with Almost Heaven?

Last Thursday, activists with the Rainforest Action Network…

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Let’s Coal the Whole Thing Off: Dirty Industry Receives Billions in Taxpayer Support

How was your weekend, America? Any hot dates?…

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Adelind Horan Shines in “Cry of the Mountain”

What do you get when you combine 13…

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Voices from Appalachia: A Human Rights Perspective

By Megan Naylor An Alliance for Appalachia partner…

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EPA APPROVES Permit For Mountaintop Removal at Pine Creek

Last April, the EPA announced new guidance standards…

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FARCES of Coal: Apple Juice Creeks and Gatorade Streams

Remember FACES of Coal? The less than bona…

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Mikulski Makes 12!

You’ve heard of the dirty dozen? Well, thanks…

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Two New Blockbuster Reports Unveil True Costs of Coal

Mounting evidence shows mountaintop removal is detrimental to…

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Chesapeake Climate Action Network is Hiring

From the organization: CHESAPEAKE CLIMATE ACTION NETWORK Looking…

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Connecting the Dots After Upper Big Branch

“Past error is no excuse for its own…

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