Written by Jed Grubbs


Jed Grubbs

Jed worked with Appalachian Voices as a Communications Specialist and the primary Front Porch blogger during spring/summer 2010.

Appalachian Voices and Music on the Mountaintop Team-Up for Good Times, Good Music, and Good Works

Learn more about Music on the Mountains here

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Railroad Earth Will Rock Your Socks Off

The Music on the Mountaintop festival is only…

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Brittney’s Appalachian Voices Internship Experience

By Brittney Baker After being offered (and accepting!)…

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Solar, So Hot Right Now. Solar.

For serious. Just check out last week’s NYTimes…

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EPA Bites Thumb at Climate Change Deniers

Yay! Kinda like this but with less pink…

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Boone’s Second Fish Kill in a Week; This Time on Hardin Creek

News from the Upper Watuaga Riverkeeper Blog: On…

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Army Corps Issues EPA Backed Pine Creek Permit

In June, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) signaled…

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Hodge’s Creek Fish Kill Update

Back on July 17, asphalt sealant killed off…

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Appalachian Voices’ JW Randolph on “Truthout”

Appalachian Voices’ Legislative Associate JW Randolph was quoted…

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News from the Appalachian Voices Concert Tour!

By Colette Henderson Five days ago, we kicked…

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