Written by Front Porch Blog Editor


Front Porch Blog Editor

President’s Budget Shortchanges Americans’ Land Conservation Priorities

[Washington, DC] The Administration’s proposed federal budget for…

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Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center

The Eastern Forest Environmental Threat Assessment Center (EFETAC)…

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Fungal factories may save hemlock forests

[Vermont] For some, a fungus success story means…

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Not out of the woods

[Maine] Acid rain is still a threat to…

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Biofuel push may take root in Ga.

[Georgia] Less than two weeks ago when President…

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How to Get Wall Street to Hug a Tree

Increasingly, economic measures are being used to assess…

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House passes re-regulation Dominion-backed bill delayed in Senate for possible changes

The House of Delegates yesterday gave final approval,…

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The Invasive Species Cookbook

The power of the human alimentary tract to…

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Family Forest Owner Perceptions and Attitudes: Minnesota’s Sustainable Forest Incentives Act

The objectives of this study were to: (1)…

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Forests, Carbon and Climate Change: A Synthesis of Science Findings

This 182-page book contains chapters by a variety…

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