Written by Front Porch Blog Editor


Front Porch Blog Editor

Short Term Solution Means Long Term Fix for Appalachia: part III

Part 1 Part 2 But what about the…

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Short Term Solution for America Means Long Term Fix for Appalachia: Part II

Part 1 Liquid Coal Inc. has plans for…

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Short Term Solution for America Means Long Term Fix for Appalachia

As both houses of congress debate bills for…

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Plant a tree, keep climate controlled

From the Southern Forest Network: [Oklahoma] Steven McNulty…

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Florida Girl Initiates Fuel Conservation Campaign

The basic idea of democracy is the empowerment…

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Tallahassee, Florida–On Tuesday, state regulators denied Florida Power…

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Managing and Understanding the Hispanic Workforce

Managing and Understanding the Hispanic Workforce: A Workshop…

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KING COAL DEALT ANOTHER BLOW: California Municipalities Prohibited from Buying Filthy Power

The Los Angeles Times reported yesterday that the…

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Congressman Shuler takes a stand against mountain top removal

Scott Gollwitzer, the in-house counsel at Appalachian Voices,…

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HORTON HEARS A WHO–The Story of MTR’s Blight is Heard in Ithaca, NY

Dateline: Whoville–Responding to a call for help, one…

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