Written by The Appalachian Voice
The Appalachian Voice
Coal mogul as All-American Villian ?
Blankenship “has pioneered ‘mountaintop removal’, or MTR. This…
“Strange as this weather has been” – a book review
/images/AppalachianVoice/Jan_2008/strange_circle.gif Ann Pancake, Strange as This Weather Has…
Review: Strange as This Weather Has Been
/images/AppalachianVoice/Jan_2008/strange_circle.gif Strange as This Weather Has Been by…
Solar power becomes cheaper than coal
By John Vidal, environment editor The Guardian (London)…
Wise County VA residents speak out against coal plant
By Josh Tulkin, Chesapeake Climate Action Network Last…
Appalachian Voice site showcased by Google Earth
CNET News: Google Earth with a cause CNET…