Written by Dan Radmacher


Dan Radmacher

Dan is Appalachian Voice's Media Specialist. Previously, he worked as an opinion journalist for newspapers in Illinois, West Virginia, Florida and Virginia, and then as a communications consultant for a number of environmental nonprofit organizations.

Appalachian Voices statement on Government Accountability Office report on pipeline safety deficiencies

On April 3, 2024, the Government Accountability Office released a report to congressional committees on gas pipeline safety, which included multiple concerns with current data collection and reporting from the Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration.

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This image of the Hobet Mine in West Virginia was taken during a Ten Day Notice Rule inspection spurred by local residents' concerns about contaminated water. Federal regulators determined the mine was responsible for the family's water problems and the state agency ensured that the coal company provided the family with replacement water.

Coal community advocates applaud new “10-Day Notice” rule for strengthening response to health, safety and pollution threats

This morning, the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement released its final “Ten Day Notice” rule to address how the agency responds to community member complaints about safety, pollution, and other violations at coal mines across the country.

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Kingston Fossil Plant

TVA ignores warnings from federal agencies, moves forward with proposed Kingston Gas Plant

In an extremely disappointing move, the Tennessee Valley Authority issued a Record of Decision for the proposed Kingston Gas Plant, a dirty and expensive project that will hurt the climate and cost families in the Tennessee Valley millions of dollars in unnecessary costs. The new plant would also require a 122-mile pipeline.

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Kingston Fossil Plant

EPA urges TVA to revisit study on Kingston plant replacement, citing “serious deficiencies”

Yesterday, the Environmental Protection Agency sent comments to the Tennessee Valley Authority highlighting “serious deficiencies” with the utility’s Final Environmental Impact Statement, or the review of power source alternatives that it is considering for the replacement of the Kingston Fossil Plant in Harriman, Tennessee.

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Pennington Gap, Va., wins grant to help protect against future flooding

The town of Pennington Gap, Virginia, was recently awarded a $50,000 grant from the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Community Flood Preparedness Fund.

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TDEC to hold a public hearing regarding application for modified water permit associated with proposed Cumberland pipeline project

This week, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation will hold an informational session and public hearing concerning the proposed Cumberland Gas Pipeline Project.

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SWVA advocates urge Congress to fight for investments to tackle growing black lung crisis

With coal miners in Southwestern Virginia facing an epidemic as black lung disease hits unprecedented levels and 1 in 5 veteran coal miners in Central Appalachia now suffer from the disease, advocates today called on Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Va., and Sens. Warner and Kaine, D-Va. to prioritize investments in taking care of miners in the 2025 federal budget.

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Appalachian Voices releases new report on energy technology transition and community engagement in Southwest Virginia

Today, Appalachian Voices released a new report detailing Southwest Virginia coalfield leaders’ perspectives on new energy technologies in their communities.

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Advocates applaud introduction of new legislation to increase public participation in Tennessee Valley Authority planning process

Today, Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Tenn. and Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., introduced new legislation to improve the Tennessee Valley Authority’s long-term energy planning process.

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Coal community advocates bash cuts to federal mine reclamation funding and urge restoration in FY25 budget


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