Written by Cat McCue


Cat McCue

Although not native to the region, Cat feels deeply connected to the mountains, rivers, backroads and small towns of Appalachia she has come to know over the years. She is Appalachian Voices' Senior Communications and Public Engagement Strategist.

Google Features Map of Poverty and Electricity Costs in the South as Part of Worldwide Launch of Interactive Maps Gallery

PRESS RELEASE Map images from the report (images…

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Water Quality Specialists Heading to Coal Slurry Spill in West Virginia

Contact: Cat McCue, communications director, 434-953-8672, cat@appvoices.org Two…

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Sampling confirms coal ash pollutant contamination in Dan River

Contact: Eric Chance, water quality specialist, 828-262-1500, eric@appvoices.org…

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EPA Agrees to Deadline for First-Ever US Coal Ash Regulations

Washington, D.C. – Late yesterday, the Environmental Protection…

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Charlottesville Benefit Concert to Assist West Virginians After Chemical Spill

FEATURING: Morgan O’Kane, Jon Stickley Trio, Dane Alderson…

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Local Groups Seek Clean Up of Duke’s Coal Ash Pollution Across North Carolina

Contact: Frank Holleman, Senior Attorney with a focus…

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West Virginia Chemical Spill Has Deeper Implications for Safety of Drinking Water

PRESS STATEMENT Contact: Matt Wasson, Program Director: 828-262-1500…

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New Website Provides Southeasterners a One-Stop Resource for Saving Money and Energy

Contact: Rory McIlmoil, Energy Policy Director, 828-262-1500, rory@appvoices.org…

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Virginians Call on FHA to Review Mountaintop Removal Highway

Kim Teplitzky, 267-307-4707, kim.teplitzky@sierraclub.org Cat McCue, 434-293-6373, cat@appvoices.org…

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USDA Energy Savings Program Can Create Jobs in Rural Appalachian Communities

Contact: Cat McCue, Communications Director, 434-293-6373 Today, U.S….

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