Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

Making Ethanol from Wood Chips

One startup is scaling up experimental techniques to…

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Educational Needs of Southern Forest Landowners

South-central United States forest landowners were surveyed to…

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Reinventing the Hardwood Industry One Company at a Time

At one time the term “colony” was loosely…

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Summit focuses on woodlands preservation

[ North Carolina ] A forest summit held…

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Climate change could hurt trout

Warmer waters would diminish population in Va. ,…

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Old-growth forest dirt might help cool planet

[ China ] Researchers have found soils in…

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When Being Green Raises the Heat

[ California ] While preserving and restoring forests…

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Fla. community joins national Firewise program

[ Florida ] Woodland Estates residents wanted to…

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Wiggins paper mill may provide alternative energy

[ Mississippi ] Richmond, Va.-based Intrinergy is gearing…

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West Fraser expands lumber presence in southern U.S.

[ Canada ] West Fraser Timber Co. Ltd….

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