Written by Appalachian Voices


Appalachian Voices

Enviromental Education from the Heart

Since the first Earth Day, environmental education has…

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Fighting Nature Deficit at Tremont

WALKER VALLEY, TN — It’s not strength in…

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Recognizing “nature deficit disorder”

Q How did you first become interested in…

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Green Burial Preserve Breaks Away From Traditional Burial Practices

But let children walk with Nature, let them…

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Mr. Randolph Goes To Washington

images/uploads/jw_circle.gif Whether we like it or not, decisions…

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Investigating Looney Creek: An ecosystem autopsy in which we suspect mining as the cause of death fo

Looney Creek’s watershed stretches up Black Mountain on…

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Kayaks are Fine for Fishing

Self-proclaimed “granola” Woody Callaway sighs as he dips…

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Wayne Bailey Fought to Preserve Eastern Wild Turkeys

Conservationists, turkeys and turkey hunters alike have lost…

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Coal Synfuels: A Giant Leap Backward

America’s coal companies and their political supporters continue…

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Celebrating Earth Day

Thirty seven years ago, American rivers were still…

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