Front Porch Blog

DC Office Open House!

By Mike Alilionis
Mountaintop Removal Campaign intern, Fall 2010

In our fight to end mountaintop removal, Appalachian Voices staff work day-in and day-out to make progress on legislation that would stop the destruction of Appalachia. A keystone of our legislative work is our office in the belly of the beast, right here in Washington, DC.

With some great accomplishments made in the last year and a lot of time spent wandering through the halls of Congress, we’ve decided that we’re due for a celebration!

App Voices Open House Flyer

On Thursday, December 16th, from 6pm – 8pm, Appalachian Voices will be holding an open house in our DC office. Come meet App Voices staff, hang out with awesome people, learn about our work to end mountaintop removal, and have a great time! Refreshments will be on hand as well as beer and wine.

Our office is located at 122 C St NW, Suite #240 and is right nearby the Union Station metro stop on the red line.

Please RSVP by e-mail to Kate[at]AppVoices[dot]org or by phone at 202.266.0479





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