Front Porch Blog

Mikulski Makes 12!

You’ve heard of the dirty dozen? Well, thanks to Senator Barbara Mikulski of Maryland, we now have the Clean Water Dozen! That’s 12 Senators supporting the Appalachia Restoration Act, and in so doing, standing up for clean water and against mountaintop removal coal mining.

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) is a 4th term Democrat from Maryland, who signed on as a cosponsor of the act on June 21, 2010. Both Senators from Maryland – Mikulski and Cardin – now support the legislation.

Senator Mikulski serves on the; Appropriations Committee where she is the chairwoman of the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies subcommittee, Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee where she is the chairwoman of the Retirement and Aging subcommittee, and the Select Committee on Intelligence.

Make sure the Senator knows we appreciate her support! You can send her a message on Facebook or Twitter.

Hats off to our dedicated activists in Maryland who made this possible.

Check out all Appalachia Restoration Act Cosponsors below:

Benjamin L. Cardin – MD
Lamar Alexander – TN
Dianne Feinstein – CA
Robert Menendez – NJ
Richard Durbin – IL
Kirsten E. Gillibrand – NY
Barbara A. Mikulski – MD
Sherrod Brown – OH
Sheldon Whitehouse – RI
Amy Klobuchar – MN
Frank R. Lautenberg – NJ
Bernard Sanders – VT





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