Front Porch Blog

Send comments to OSMRE by January 19th – Enforce the law on MTR!

This just in from the Alliance for Appalachia Blog:

The Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE) is charged with enforcing the law on mountaintop removal. Unfortunately, decades of rollbacks and giving in to coal industry corruption have left coalfield communities virtually undefended. Exceptions to the surface mine law have become the rule, and problems with dust, blasting, toxic water and giant wastelands remaining unreclaimed are impacting the lives of thousands across the coalfields.

The OSMRE is asking for advice on how to enforce the law – and we need you to offer it. (link to website) Comments are due by January 19th – please click here to send in sample comments or offer your own. Many of you have had personal experiences with the OSMRE – and we encourage you to write about them.

When the OSMRE doesn’t hear from citizens, they assume you have nothing to say – please let them know we are paying attention and we expect the laws to be enforced.

Thanks for your help!





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