Front Porch Blog

Help Save Coal River Mountain this Monday

This Monday, Dec. 7 at 2 p.m., supporters and fellow mountain activists will join Coal River Mountain Watch at the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection headquarters in Charleston, W.Va., for a rally and protest to save Coal River Mountain.

Massey Energy is actively blasting and mining on Coal River Mountain in southern West Virginia. The blasting is taking place only a few hundred feet away from the Brushy Fork impoundment dam, which holds over 9 billion gallons of toxic coal sludge above the Coal River Valley.

This blasting is happening despite studies that show Coal River Mountains has the highest and most productive potential for wind power generation in the Appalachian Mountains.

The West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection needs to see that West Virginia resident support a clean energy future — not the dirty energy and destructive practice of mountaintop removal.

Please join us:
Where: West Virginia Dept. of Environmental Protection Headquarters, Charleston. Click here for directions. 

When: Monday, December 7th, 2 pm.

For more information on the rally and protest, please visit
For more information on Coal River Mountain, please visit





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