Front Porch Blog

The fight to save Coal River Mountain heats up

The following email was sent to the 38,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Two weeks ago, we wrote to tell you that Massey Energy had begun blasting on Coal River Mountain — ground zero in the fight to end mountaintop removal coal mining.

We asked you to tell the Obama administration to intervene — and your response was incredible! You sent more than 15,000 letters to the Obama Administration, and in partnership with other organizations, more than 64,000 citizens took action to save Coal River Mountain.

The blasting at Coal River Mountain represents an escalation in the fight for the future of Appalachia. Massey Energy has already been cited with using stronger explosives than is allowable near a gas line, and local residents are worried about the impacts of the blasting on a nearby coal sludge impoundment.

That’s why we need to ensure that we’re ready to meet Big Coal’s efforts to destroy the mountains we love across the region.

Can you make a contribution to iLoveMountains today, to help us grow the campaign to end mountaintop removal coal mining and support the activists on the ground at Coal River Mountain?

Click here to make a contribution today.

Whether you’re able to contribute $25, $50, or $200, any amount you can afford to give makes a tremendous difference in the effort to end mountaintop removal coal mining once and for all.

You contribution goes directly to helping raise national awareness and keep the pressure on decision makers to end mountaintop removal coal mining. Your contribution also helps the Alliance for Appalachia build regional support for ending mountaintop removal coal mining, and lends support for the activists at Coal River Mountain Watch, who are on the ground every day working to save Coal River Mountain.

You can also help grow the movement by taking just a moment today to invite 5 friends or colleagues to join you at To date, more than 38,800 people have joined you in supporting a clean energy future for Appalachia. Can you help us reach 40,000 people in a week’s time by inviting 5 friends to join you at today?

Invite 5 friends to join us today.

Thank you for everything you do to contribute to the end of mountaintop removal coal mining. Your efforts form the backbone of our campaign.

Matt Wasson




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