Front Porch Blog

End Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining – Call Congress Today!

March 17th, 2009 – The following email was sent to the 34,000+ supporters of To sign up to receive free email alerts, click here.

Today — St. Patrick’s Days — you can help keep the Appalachian mountains green and their waters clean by taking action to bring an end to mountaintop removal coal mining.

This week, more than 150 citizens from Appalachia and across the U.S. are in our nation’s capital as part of our 4th Annual End Mountaintop Removal Week in Washington.

These citizens are meeting with members of Congress to urge them to co-sponsor HR 1310, The Clean Water Protection Act.

But these citizens need your help. That’s why today, St. Patrick’s Day, we’re asking you and nearly 35,000 other members of iLoveMountains to call you Representative in Congress and ask them to co-sponsor the Clean Water Protection Act.

Click here to be connected to your Representative right now.

By calling your House Representative today, you can make the case that now is the time for Congress to take action to stop mountaintop removal coal mining.

Mountaintop removal is one of the most egregious environmental and social justice disasters in America today. More than 500 mountains — more than 1.5 million acres of land — have already been destroyed by mountaintop removal coal mining. And dozens of other mountains in Appalachia are still under threat.

That’s why we need to make sure that every member of Congress hears from us today. Our goal is to pass the Clean Water Protection Act in 2009 — but we can’t do it without you.

Call your House Representative today: Our nifty call-in tool will dial your Representative directly at no charge and provide you with a suggested script for talking points.

Dial your Representative right now by clicking here.

You can also find out whether your Representative sponsored the Clean Water Protection Act in 2008 by clicking here.

Thank you for taking action today.

Matt Wasson





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