Front Porch Blog

MTR Week in Washington on NPR

NPR’s nationally syndicated program “All Things Considered” just aired a piece on The Alliance for Appalachia’s “Week in Washington”.

You can listen to Debbie Elliot’s “New Breed of Lobbyists Hail from Appalachia” here.

All Things Considered, April 21, 2008 · Lobbyists are everywhere on Capitol Hill. But it’s not always high-priced professionals that get lawmakers’ attention. A cadre of Appalachian residents has come to lobby for environmental protections from coal-mining waste. For many, it was their first trip to Washington, D.C.

It really is a brilliant piece. We are seeing the emerging narrative from the national media be “the Appalachian people are organizing and leading the charge against mountaintop removal mining in their communities,” which is what the narrative should be.

Speaking on a personal note, this year’s lobby week was a very special and inspiring event for me. It was well planned and well organized, and was attended by some of the most wonderful American citizens I’ve had the privledge of working with and celebrating with. It gave me hope that citizens can lead Congress to action, and that we can pass the Clean Water Protection Act (HR 2169) and end mountaintop removal mining in Appalachia.





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