Front Porch Blog

Senator Byrd (D-WV) Hospitalized (Update: Senator Warner (R-VA) visits hospital as well)

Senator Byrd (D-WV) has been admitted to Walter Reed Hospital, and will stay overnight due to a fall he took on Monday. Senator Byrd is 90 years old, and is the longest serving Congressperson in history. As President Pro Tempore of the Senate, he is also third in line to the Presidency after Dick Cheney and Nancy Pelosi.

Tonight we put aside our differences and send our best wishes out to his family, and to Senator Byrd who has served West Virginia and this country with honor and distinction.

Despite his age (90), and due surely in part to his unusual vigor, the injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.

From The Hill:

“They’re keeping him overnight; I’m assuming against his will.”

From the WVMetroNews:

Senator Robert. C. Byrd is under observation in a Washington, D.C. hospital after complaining of back pain following a fall Monday at his home in Virginia.

The 90-year-old Senator from West Virginia was at the Capitol Tuesday for a vote regarding an Indian health bill.

There he was advised by staff members to see the Capitol physician after they witnessed him wincing in pain.

It is not known if Byrd suffered any broken bones from the fall, but as a precaution he was admitted to Walter Reed Medical Center.

Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery Senator!

Update: Senator John Warner (R-VA), it turns out, also just took a non-emergency trip to visit to the hospital due to a return of atrial fibrillation.

Senator Warner recently experienced a return of atrial fibrillation, and in consultation with the Capitol Physician’s Office and his private doctors, is pursuing a re-evaluation and readjustment of medications which require regular monitoring and observation within a hospital environment.

Yesterday, Senator Warner came to his office, consulted with the Capitol Physician, completed his office appointments and left for a scheduled admission to Inova Fairfax Hospital, where he remains for observation.

Senator Warner, 81, is also a distinguished veteran, former Secretary of the Navy, and former chair of the Senate Armed Services Committee.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you Senator.




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