Front Porch Blog

Sustainable WNC website launched

A new web portal, was recently launched to connect and inform businesses, nonprofits, citizens and local governments that are working to promote the principles and practices of sustainability in western North Carolina. According to editor, Richard Fireman:

Many people worldwide have come to realize that humanity is at an evolutionary crossroads. Successful transformation of human society from its over consumptive, self destructive path to sustainable earth community requires the creative imagination, courage, and determination from all segments of human culture – individuals, business, government, civic institutions, and grassroots organizations. I have joined in order to help catalyze this transition through education, news, collaboration, and dialogue with the people of Western North Carolina.

Richard has been doing excellent work to connect and support sustainably-minded groups and businesses in Western North Carolina for years, and it looks like this latest project will quickly become an indispenable news and information source. Check it out at





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