Front Porch Blog

Florida Agriculture launches new forestry initiative

[Florida] Florida Agriculture and Consumer Services Commissioner Charles H. Bronson announced Wednesday a new public awareness initiative, “Your Forest. Managed.” This initiative teams landowners across the state with their county forester to ensure the future health of Florida ‘ s forests. This is the most comprehensive outreach in the department ‘ s Division of Forestry ‘ s 79-year history and will significantly influence the shaping of Florida ‘ s privately owned forests for decades to come. “Your Forest . Managed.” is designed to help Florida ‘ s county foresters connect with the landowners in the districts they serve. The centerpiece of the campaign has been named OAK, which stands for Outreach Action Kit. OAK consists of a comprehensive landowners ‘ manual, brochures, promotional items, displays and an interactive Web site, all of which are available in English and Spanish. These tools are expected to help forest landowners make sound decisions when it comes to their property.

The Web site for the initiative is

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes





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