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Coming this summer [drumroll]… a bill to benefit the coal industry

They’re at it again in Washington, finding new and better ways to take money from taxpayers (and increasing the federal deficit) to get more money in the hands of hugely wealthy coal and energy companies. According to WYMT out of Lexington:

Senator Jim Bunning says a bill that could give the coal industry a boost is gaining momentum in Washington.
The bill, which Bunning introduced last month, would give financial incentives to companies that invest in a new technology that turns coal into a liquid fuel source.

The technology could be a cleaner way to use coal.

Bunning said he expects the measure to be considered during a Senate hearing later this summer.

I’m still a little confused about all the various coal liquefaction and syn-fuel technologies that are coming up in bills and coal company commercials – does anyone know a good resource that assesses the viability and profitability of this use of coal?





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