Front Porch Blog

Week in Washington Participant from Georgia: Jeremy Cherson

By Griff Crews
Communications intern, Spring 2011

Over the next three days, I am going to be on Capitol Hill working with the Georgia Congressional delegation to end mountain top removal. I just met with Senator Chambliss’ environmental staffer. She spoke about Chambliss having a balance between cheap domestic energy and environmental concerns. My question is, what environmental concerns has Chambliss ever had? He has a 0% rating from the League of Conservation Voters. Meanwhile Georgia’s growing appetite for coal destroys more mountains every day. Stay tuned for more updates about my meetings with the Georgia congressional delegation.

Learn more at,

– Jeremy Cherson

Jeremy Cherson is an Environmental Policy student at American University and an intern at The Wilderness Society. He is a contributor every Tuesday to the Wilderness University of Georgia blog.




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