Front Porch Blog

The We Love Mountains Tour is a Wrap!

Well after 10 cities spread across 6 states, the We Love Mountains tour has come to an end. It was a huge success with over 700 people attending concerts, 15 bands that played and hundreds of postcards written to Congress on mountaintop removal.

The shows were headlined by Dewi Sant, a folk indie band based in Minneapolis, MN and kicked off in Charleston, SC in late January. We were joined by Matrimony at our Boone show, who co-headlined the remainder of our tour which ended in Pittsburgh in February.

Other bands that joined the We Love Mountains tour were The Honey Dewdrops, Big Fat Gap, Uncle Mountain , Older Brother, Wylie, 2/3 Goats and Morgan O’Kane.

At each show we made a presentation about mountaintop removal and illustrated the connection to attendees with the destruction in Appalachia. Attendees signed postcards showing their support for the Clean Water Protection Act and the Appalachian Restoration Act.

The Charlotte Loves Mountains show was covered in the Charlotte Observer. Other concerts were covered in the Mountain Times, The Blue Banner, and The Mountain Express.

The tour inspired many new individuals, who had not yet been exposed to mountaintop removal or their connection to it, and as a result we will be a stronger movement in many critical regions of the east coast.

Many thanks to Restoring Eden who were the partnering organization in this tour and Anna Jane Joyner who recruited the bands and much of the logistics.




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