Front Porch Blog

Fatal Explosion at Massey Mine in Raleigh County

An underground explosion has left twelve miners dead and an unknown number missing at a mine in Raleigh County, West Virginia. Rescue workers are on the scene. Our thoughts and prayers are with the families of these miners.

Ken Ward has more at the Charleston Gazette.

Update: Senator Byrd released the following:

“I am praying for these miners, their loved ones, and for those who still may be trapped. Tragically West Virginians have considerable experience dealing with these disasters in the coal mines. And we know every second counts. My utmost hope is that our experienced and well trained mine rescue teams and first responders will be able to keep further casualities to a minimum”

West Virginia Blue has the statements of other elected officials from across the Mountain State.

Update II: The great reporters over at The Wonk Room have posted the video of interviews with Ken Ward and Senator Rockefeller.

Update III: Lots of great coverage from CNN
Hopeful for survivors


More footage can be found at CNN




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