Front Porch Blog

60 Minutes TVA Coal Ash Disaster Story

Over the summer, the Appalachian Voices Watauga Riverkeeper crew has been working with 60 Minutes to do an investigative story about coal ash waste. We are happy to report that the show will air this Sunday on October 4, 2009. The 60 Minutes crew will provide the public with an overview or a “coal ash 101″ report. It comes in the wake of the 1 billion gallon TVA coal ash spill that occurred in December of 2008 in Harriman, Tennessee.

Shortly after the show airs we will be releasing a special report about groundwater contamination from coal ash ponds in North Carolina. We think both the 60 Minutes show and our upcoming report on NC Coal Ash Ponds will be a stunning revelation for anybody that cares about water. Be sure to tune in to 60 Minutes on Sunday night and keep an eye on our Appalachian Voices and Watauga Riverkeeper Blogs next week for some breaking news. We think the toxicity and hazards of coal ash waste ponds will be a big topic of conversation next week and we want you to be a part of it!

Watch CBS News Videos Online

You can view the story on CBS’s site HERE.




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