Front Porch Blog

HELP Make the “NC SAVE$ ENERGY” Program a Reality!

Help NC SAVE$ ENERGY make North Carolina’s homes energy efficient, protects our climate and helps to stop mountaintop removal coal!

We want to ask for your help in a new campaign Appalachian Voices has joined. NC SAVE$ ENERGY, an independent energy efficiency program, will help save money for working families by making the homes they rent or own more energy efficient, lower energy bills, create thousands of new green jobs and reduce North Carolina’s dependence on dirty energy. Learn more about NC SAVE$ energy:

We need your help in getting an NC SAVE$ ENERGY bill passed through the state legislature this year! We are looking for volunteers who will:

  • Work with a team to get your legislator to support NC SAVE$ ENERGY
  • Write letters to the editor
  • Help organize local meetings
  • Speak out for economic justice through energy efficiency

Will you join our movement for fairer, more affordable, energy in North Carolina?

Help keep NC’s power bills from doubling or tripling, reduce the energy burden on low-income households, reduce consumption and the need to build new power plants. NC SAVE$ ENERGY will also foster economic growth by expanding green jobs in energy efficiency and curb global warming.

Sign up today, by emailing or the NC SAVE$ ENERGY Field Campaign Coordinator, Jennie Renner-Yeomans at





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