Front Porch Blog

“Black Diamonds” Mountaintop Removal Documentary

Filmmaker Catherine Pancake recently announced that her documentary film, Black Diamonds: Mountaintop Removal and the Fight For Coalfield Justice will have its New York City premiere at the prestigious “Documentary Fortnight Series” at the Museum of Modern Art. The Black Diamonds screening will take place on Thursday, February 14th at 6:00 p.m. at the Museum of Modern Art, 11 West 53rd Street, New York City. After the screening, Pancake will lead a QA session with notable coalfield activist Julia Bonds. Black Diamonds and filmmaker Pancake have won numerous awards and recognitions Black Diamonds is the first of its kind to offer a wholly comprehensive survey of surface mining and mountaintop removal practices (removing the tops of mountains to expose coal seams) in West Virginia. The film features voice over talent by Lauren Graham (of TV show the Gilmore Girls) and includes testimony fr>om Julia Bonds, WV activist who received the 2003 Goldman Award (the nation’s largest environmental activist award). The film is currently distributed by Bullfrog Films and DVDs are available for purchase by going to or contacting Bullfrog films at 800-543-FROG (3764) or To learn more about the Museum of Modern Art and its events and exhibitions click this link MoMA Events and Exhibitions




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