Front Porch Blog

Southeastern Convergence for Climate Action

Throughout the week of August 8-14, Rising Tide North America, in collaboration with Energy Justice Summer, Southern Energy Network, and the Nuclear Information Resource Service, will host a Southeast Convergence for Climate Action near Asheville, North Carolina.

The Convergence for Climate Action will offer skill-based workshops, strategy sessions, and direct action aimed at building a no-compromise climate justice movement.

The Convergence aims to promote a just, rapid transition away from fossil fuels, promoting environmental justice by supporting communities that are fighting energy developments in their backyards. The Convergence also attempts to encourage direct action as a means of challenging corporate power and empowering movements to stop climate change through networking and strategy among the various social justice and environmental programs already in place.

Workshops will include Direct Action 101, Climbing Trainings, Strategic Action Planning, Anti-oppression, Sustainable living skills, Debunking False Solutions, Blockades, Media, and much more. The convergence will culminate in a coordinated day of direct action against fossil fuel infrastructure projects.





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