Front Porch Blog
CNET News: Google Earth with a cause
CNET – San Francisco,CA,USA
ZDNet Australia: Do-gooders doing Google Earth
Google Earth helping charities raise awareness
Non-profit organisations and charities are using Google Earth’s three-dimensional maps to raise awareness of environmental concerns.
Issues such as genocide and deforestation are being covered by the groups using the 3D map technology, CNET News has revealed.
Mary Ann Hitt, executive director of non-profit Appalachian Voices, told the IT news group that organisations were drawing attention to the way mining companies were destroying the tops of the Appalachian Mountains.
She revealed that the method allowed the firms to get coal in a faster and cheaper way, but stressed that the impact of the process was detrimental to the environment.
With Google’s help, the organisation is raising awareness of the issue, with “before” and “after” aerial shots of the mountains and videos from communities affected by the problem.
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