Front Porch Blog

Defenders of Wildlife

Wanted to recognize DoW’s “Conseravtion Heroes” for 2006, which Anita posted on below

• Rep. Sherwood Boehlert (NY-23)
• Sen. Maria Cantwell (WA)
• Sen. Lincoln Chafee (RI)
• Rep. John Dingell (MI-15)
• Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ-07)
• Sen. Jim Jeffords (VT)
• Rep. Ed Markey (MA-07)
• Rep. George Miller (CA-07)
• Rep. Nick Rahall (WV-03)
• Sen. Harry Reid (NV)
• Rep. Jim Saxton (NJ-03)
• Rep. Tom Udall (NM-03)




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