Front Porch Blog

Rep. Pombo’s GOP Primary Opponent Endorses Democrat Instead of Pombo

Republican Representative Richard Pombo (CA-11) recently recieved a fairly strong GOP challenge from moderate Republican and former Congressman Pete McKlosky. Turns out McKlosky – the Republican – has crossed party lines and endorsed a man named Jerry McNerney instead of anti-environmental Republican Representative Richard Pombo.

Richard Pombo (R-11) has long been a thorn in the side of…well…I’d say everybody. But he has especially found his nemisis in environmentalists. He is Senator Inhofe’s anti-environmental counterpart in the House of Representatives. User D-rew has given us a short list of Inhofe’s campaign contributors here, and Im sure it wouldnt be hard to dig up the same list for Pombo. And it would probably look pretty similar. Pombo has made headlines in the last year for attempting to privatize national parks and gut the Endangered Species Act, among other things.




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