Front Porch Blog

Community carbon

[California] Arcata may someday get paid for the invisible greenhouse gases its community forest traps. Considered a leader in sustainable forestry, the city is now being asked to be among the landowners steering the way with a strategy to cut excess carbon dioxide and other gases that are believed to be contributing to global warming. As part of a new California initiative, Arcata could get credit for its forest management scheme, in which it grows more than it cuts. That credit could become a commodity in the United States and be traded to polluters required to slash emissions. The city’s environmental services department is also keeping a close eye on a Pacific Gas and Electric Co. proposal that could jump-start a market for carbon credits, paying up to $10 per ton of carbon stored by trees. That is expected to go before the California Public Utilities Commission in the next few months.

News notes are courtesy of Southern Forests Network News Notes




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