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Front Porch Blog

United States of Appalachia

(Thanks “Turpentine” and Shelly) 🙂

Journalist Jeff Biggers’ new book, The United States of Appalachia: How Southern Mountaineers Brought Independence, Culture and Enlightment to America, (published by Shoemaker and Hoard, who also publish Wendell Berry) raises a lot of important and timely issues, namely that Appalachia has an overlooked and deeply rooted progressive history on the frontlines of American social justice movements (from the Cherokee to Edward Abbey and the environmental movement), which is currently under threat to development and strip mining. He also talks about how development is an old issue in Appalachia, and gives good insight on Appalchians fighting back and searching for justice and truth. Biggers also lost his own family homestead in southern Illinois to strip mining.

Jeff Biggers has a website

Read a full review of his book is here here, here, and here

And BUY “The United States of Appalachia” from a local bookstore. (tip-o-the-hat to bookwomyn)

Ill be reviewing this one myself as soon as I can get to it. I dont see that happening before mid-May, but I have heard that this book knocks it out of the park.
Post your thoughts!…





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