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Front Porch Blog

Conservationists Buy 200,000+ Acres From International Paper.

The Nature Conservancy and The Conservation Fund just bought 218,000 acres of Southern Forests from an International Paper giant (called…International Paper.)

It is the single largest private land conservation sale in the history of the south.

Under the terms of the agreement, timber will be sustainably harvested from some tracts and a set amount of timber volume will be supplied to International Paper for local production. Sensitive areas will continue to be set aside from harvesting activities.

The Nature Conservancy was the leading purchaser, buying 173,000 acres in North Carolina, Virginia, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, and Arkansas. The Conservation Fund also bought up 5500 acres in North Carolina and Florida. South Carolina will not be left out, as the two groups are jointly buying 39,000 acres.

International Paper has protected approximately 1.5 million acres of forestlands through conservation land donations, sales and easements during its history

This is the largest financial commitment in the history of the Nature Conservancy.

Chip in if you can.
As much as 44 million acres of privately owned forestland, a critical part of the nation’s landscape, will be sold over the next 25 years.





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