Statement on the passing of Rep. Donald McEachin

Tall man in suit with five women standing in a hallway

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 29, 2022 CONTACT Dan Radmacher, dan[at], (540) 798-6683 The staff of Appalachian Voices is deeply saddened by the passing of Rep. A. Donald McEachin, an inspiring and committed public servant and stalwart champion of environmental justice and the people of Virginia. From his time in the Virginia House of Delegates and…

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Scorecards rate rural electric cooperatives in Virginia

A scorecard released today by Appalachian Voices reveals that rural electric cooperatives in the Southeast need critical reform to ensure they are operating according to good governance standards and providing clean energy programs to their members. The new scorecards build on a previous project, and find that while Virginia’s electric co-ops have made some reforms and are leading the region, there is still room for improvement.

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Parties reach agreement on offshore wind project with significant customer cost protections

CONTACT Tasha Durrett, SELC Communications Manager, (434) 977-4090, Dan Radmacher, Media Specialist, (540) 798-6683), CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA — Today the Office of the Attorney General’s Division of Consumer Counsel, Dominion Energy, Walmart, the Sierra Club and Appalachian Voices filed a settlement proposal with Virginia’s State Corporation Commission, ending months-long debate regarding the funding and…

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