Citizens groups, Kentucky reach historic settlement with coal company over water pollution

Deal sends strong signal to incoming Bevin administration Contact: Erin Savage, Appalachian Voices, 206-769-8286, Ted Withrow, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 606-784-6885, Pat Banks, Kentucky Riverkeeper, 859-200-7442, Peter Harrison, Waterkeeper Alliance, 828-582-0422, Alice Howell, Sierra Club, 859-420-8092, Highlights of press coverage New York Times Louisville Courier-Journal Daily Independent (CNHI) Lexington Herald-Leader…

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Going to court for clean water

fc-mtrAfter we revealed thousands of water pollution violations at Frasure Creek Mining’s mountaintop removal coal mines in eastern Kentucky, state regulators (finally) took administrative action. Appalachian Voices and our partners are seeking to intervene in that process to ensure environmental protections are enforced, and we have filed our own lawsuit in federal court.

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Groups Sue Kentucky Mining Company

Contacts: Eric Chance, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, Ted Withrow, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 606-782-0998, Pat Banks, Kentucky Riverkeeper, 859-200-7442, Pete Harrison, Waterkeeper Alliance, 828-582-0422, Adam Beitman, Sierra Club, 202-675-2385, Pikeville, Ky. – A coalition of citizens groups today filed a federal lawsuit against Frasure Creek Mining, LLC, for submitting to the…

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Groups Seek to Ensure Ky. Enforces Clean Water Law

Contacts: Eric Chance, Appalachian Voices, 828-262-1500, Ted Withrow, Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, 606-782-0998 (c), Pat Banks, Kentucky Riverkeeper, 859-200-7442, Pete Harrison, Waterkeeper Alliance, 828-582-0422, Adam Beitman, Sierra Club, 202-675-2385, Frankfort – A coalition of citizens groups today filed a motion to intervene in a state enforcement action against Frasure Creek…

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Bringing Polluters to Justice — One Court Case at a Time

By Eric Chance and Erin Savage On Oct 1., Appalachian Voices and a coalition of citizens’ groups reached a historic settlement in a Kentucky case involving some of the most far-reaching and astonishing violations of the Clean Water Act in its 40-year history. The agreement between the citizens’ groups, International Coal Group, Inc., and the…

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Appalachian Water Watch: Bringing Polluters to Justice, One Lawsuit at a Time

Appalachian Voices has joined the Sierra Club and Southern Appalachian Mountain Stewards in filing suit against A & G Coal Corporation in Virginia. The suit, represented by the environmental law firm Appalachian Mountain Advocates, alleges that A & G has been polluting Virginia’s public waterways through unpermitted discharge of selenium. The unpermitted discharge violates both…

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