A New Study from Greenpeace Shows that Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a “False Hope”

Greenpeace International recently released the results of its study on the proposed practice of carbon capture and storage (CCS) at the world’s coal-fired power plants. CCS is an integrated process made up of three parts: carbon capture, transport, and storage, including measurement, monitoring, and verification. CCS technology must have a concentrated stream of CO2 in…

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Green Jobs for America

Green Jobs for America is a national campaign to educate the public about the need for investments in good, green jobs — jobs that will fight dangerous global warming, move America toward energy independence and end our harmful dependence on fossil fuels. Led by the United Steelworkers, Sierra Club, Blue Green Alliance, Natural Resources Defense…

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Sludge Safety Project Internship Opportunity

Sludge Safety Project Internship Opportunity The Sludge Safety Project (SSP) seeks an intern to help West Virginians build power and pass legislation in the 2009 legislative session. Depending on skills and experience, the legislative intern will perform the following tasks: * Coordinate citizen lobby days at least weekly. This includes sending mailings, making phone calls…

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Is Clean Coal Really Clean?

Question Dear Umbra, I noticed that several of the presidential primary debates were sponsored by clean coal. This was announced during breaks and several commercials aired. I have since seen several more commercials and online advertisements. Is clean coal an oxymoron? Is this a PR stunt or are there any real environmental benefits to clean…

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Mountain Monday: Gauley Mountain, WV

Until the mid-twentieth century, Ansted, West Virginia was a bustling coal camp. In 1950, the coal company that operated the local mine pulled out, leaving the community with a sense of economic depression. In the years that followed, residents banded together and re-inspired a pride in their mountain region, eventually rebounding the local economy through…

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WV Mountains Need To Be Protected

Monday June 23, 2008 Protect the coast but not West Virginia? Offshore regions were sheltered, but this state was not The year was 1981 when Congress decided to save the U.S. continental shelf by declaring a moratorium on offshore gas and oil drilling and exploration. The moratorium has protected virtually the entire Atlantic and Pacific…

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Al Gore and His Thoughts on Mountain Top Removal

“Mountaintop mining is an atrocity. It is an outrage. My wife Tipper and I give out an award at the Nashville Film Festival every year for best documentary on these environmental issues. This year’s winner was called “Mountaintop mining” (actually, Mr. Gore, that is “Mountain Top Removal”). I learned more about it from that movie.…

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JOIN US for the Launch of Muddy Water Watch in the High Country!

JOIN US for the launch of Muddy Water Watch in the High Country! The first MWW meeting will be held on September 8 in Boone at the Ag Conference Center on 252 Poplar Grove Road from 7:00 to 8:30 pm. Call or contact Donna Lisenby, the Upper Watauga Riverkeeper at 828-262-1500 or donna@appvoices.org for more…

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We CAN NOT Mine Our Way to Cheap Electricity

Via the Energy Information Administration this morning, we have gotten the shocking news that central Appalachian coal is suddenly pushing $140/ton. This is a tremendous jump of 350% in just one year. While we see a long-term skyrocketing of central Appalachian coal costs, production has decreased dramatically over the last 8 years. For perspective, central…

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Mountain Monday: 10 Years of Coal

Welcome to Mountain Monday, spreading the word about mountaintop removal, and celebrating the best Appalachia has to offer. Take a look at the region carrying the heaviest load for American coal production, and you’ll see that we are definitively beyond “peak coal” in Appalachia. The US Geological Survey, and other crazy assorted “experts” on “science”…

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